Thursday, March 5, 2020

Introverts and Romance in the Office - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Introverts and Romance in the Office - Introvert Whisperer Introverts and Romance in the Office They say you should not mix business and pleasure, but sometimes you cannot go against your heart. In fact, romance in the office is far from an uncommon phenomenon, and there is nothing wrong with it on paper as long as, in case it ends, it doesnt affect work performance and business relationships. However, such emotionally unpredictable situations can take a particularly big toll on the shy co-workers. If you are interested why, here’s what you need to know about the trials and tribulations of introverts and romance in the office. Why is it such a big problem for introverts? By their very nature, introverts are not very motivated to seek out the company of other people, let alone become the center of attention in a larger group. Such forced interactions tend to cause a lot of stress and anxiety in them. On the other hand, even introverts require interaction on a regular basis, and falling for a co-worker is one of those regular things that can happen to anyone. The difference this makes for an introverted person is that, in addition to the anxiety caused by social interaction, they have the “stakes raised” by having a crush on a co-worker. This means that the “social wall” they have to climb over is a lot taller â€" and it can lead to complete avoidance or closing-off when it comes to the person of interest. This is truly counterproductive not only because the introvert suffers, but also because it’s a potentially wasted opportunity if the attraction is reciprocal. Nobody gets out happy out of such a situation.

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